Wondering how you can get those soft, supple, smooth and younger skin back? Read on…

Skin can become rough and dry due to exposure to the sun, low temperatures, and dry air. Making a few small adjustments to your daily schedule and way of life can gradually soften and tone your skin.

To get good, smooth skin, people spend a lot on cosmetics and skincare items. But they overlook the fact that having a decent skincare routine is the first step in having healthy and beautiful skin.

Here are 3 major daily skin care practices you should follow for healthy yet soft skin: 

Practice 1: Maintain a Daily Skin Care Regime

1. Start with dry brushing

Dry brushing is a traditional exfoliating method used to remove dead skin cells and increase circulation. Your skin will appear more radiant if you dry brush once or twice a week, and if you continue the process, your skin will start to glow.

  • Opt only for a natural-fibre dry brush rather than one with synthetic bristles.
  • Short, strong strokes should be used to brush your body, and use a softer, smaller brush for the face.
  • Always use a dry brush and dry skin - wet skin will not respond the same way.

If you have any redness, soreness, or sensitivity after dry brushing, you should stop or reduce how frequently you use it.

 2. Shower in cold water

Wash your skin with cool water, not hot. Your skin becomes tighter and dries out more when exposed to hot water. In general, you should only take a 10-minute shower once a day, as your skin may become dry after longer showers.

Instead of using hot water to wash your face, use cool water.

 3. If you didn't dry brush, exfoliate in the shower

The loofah, a washcloth, or exfoliating mitts can all be used to scrub your skin while taking a shower. Exfoliating once or twice a week will remove the dead skin and make the skin more radiant.

To avoid bacterial growth, be sure to clean these instruments frequently, as they can be harsh and produce pimples.

 4. Use just enough soap

Many bar soaps, as well as commercial body washes and scrubs, include detergents that dry out your skin and leave a residue that makes it appear dull. Use a natural, oil-based soap, or just use water in place of soap.

 5. Apply skin moisturizer

Once you are completely dry after a shower, apply lotion or another therapeutic moisturiser to your skin afterwards to lock in the moisture and shield it from the day's dry air.

To achieve glowing, healthy skin, try these moisturisers-

  • Coconut oil. This enticing product absorbs into your skin and leaves it glowing beautifully.
  • Vitamin C Body Lotion. This lotion by Dr Sakhiya's deeply nourishes the skin and boosts collagen production, giving it a natural radiance and smoothness.
  • Aloe Vera. A healthy alternative that is ideal for sensitive or sun-damaged skin is aloe vera gel.

 6. Pay attention to your skin type

Many people have some combination of oily skin and a combo of dry, flaky skin. Make sure your everyday routine takes into account the areas of your body that require extra care.

On your face or body, acne should be treated with great caution. Avoid dry brushing acne and stay away from strong soaps and chemicals that could make it worse.

Use items that won't aggravate your disease worse, and if required, speak with your doctor about receiving a prescription to treat your skin.

Practice 2: Make healthy lifestyle decisions

1. Start exercising

Exercise promotes circulation and tones your skin. Additionally, it enhances your general well-being, which is seen in your skin. Sweat is beneficial for removing oil and dead skin cells from your skin.

 2. Consume a healthy diet

Skin reveals when you aren't obtaining the nutrients you require. To restore your radiance, consume plenty of fruits, veggies, protein, and healthy grains. Include foods that are particularly good for the skin, such as avocados and almonds. These have the good fats your skin requires to stay supple.

 3. Get plenty of water

Your skin cells are inflated by water, giving you a youthful appearance. Your skin begins to dry out when you are underhydrated. Drink the recommended amount of water for your age, gender, and lifestyle to maintain healthy skin.

These options will also keep you hydrated if you dislike downing glass after glass of water:

Cucumbers, lettuce, apples, and berries are watery fruits and vegetables.

Herbal tea and other caffeine-free teas.

 4. Taking a proper sleep

One of your skincare routines should focus on getting adequate sleep (at least 7 hours). Whether or not you've read any research, it's clear that getting enough sleep improves skin quality. If you only get a few hours of sleep each night, your skin will start to change negatively.

Because your cells can only regenerate and repair damaged cells during deep, uninterrupted sleep, getting enough sleep is essential for healthy skin. Your skin regenerates very little when this process is interrupted, which leads to obvious age indications. By obtaining enough sleep, you can help your skin stay fresh.

 5. Avoid things that are rough on the skin

Using certain drugs will set you back on your quest for beautiful skin, regardless of how faithfully you follow your regular skincare routine. Reduce or eliminate these skin-damaging substances like tobacco, alcohol, too much caffeine, oily food, too much dairy, etc.

 6. Manage Stress

Psychological stress negatively impacts your skin's state and is one of the main causes of many disorders. Your body launches "emergency" physiological responses in response to stress to give you a helping hand. Regrettably, persistent activation of these reactions can lead to a variety of problems, including skin ageing.

Practice 3: Create routines that will prevent dull skin.

1. Daily use of sunscreen

While getting a tan from exposure to the sun will temporarily brighten your skin, it is quite harmful in the long run. Allowing your skin to burn or tan all summer can result in wrinkles, spots, and even the risk of developing skin cancer.

Even in the cold, put sunscreen on your face before leaving the house.

Apply sunscreen on your arms, chest, shoulders, and other exposed areas, including your neck and shoulders. Make sure to cover your legs whether wearing shorts or going to the beach.

 2. Never go to bed with makeup on

Chemicals are allowed to permeate into your skin all night, and wearing makeup is bad for your skin. Your skin has fully absorbed the makeup by morning and undoubtedly looks worse for wear. Every night before bed, remove your makeup with a makeup remover and wash any residue away with cool or lukewarm water.

Avoid scrubbing your face because this can irritate the skin and harm it.

 3. Defend your skin against damaging factors

Skin becomes more resilient when exposed to harsh chemicals, high temperatures, and abrasive materials.

All of the above-mentioned basic skin care advice may seem too simple to have any real influence, yet science supports it. Why not try these easy methods to have skin that looks younger?

But keep in mind that you will only get skin-improving results if you incorporate these practices into your regular beauty routine. Consistency is always the key when it comes to skincare!

Still, if you find it challenging or have any irritation or redness on the skin, consult a dermatologist and treat the issue.